The ancient tradition to give away the confetti on the Wedding day was born right there at Sulmona where the history fabric of the speciality made of sugar syrup is still existing. Time ago it was reserved only for the aristocratic weddings but in our days no one wedding banquet can miss it.
In order to define the high quality of confetto we should verify it cover thickness: more thinner is the sugar cover more fine is the confetto.
There is a vast choice beside the classic timeless one with Avola almond: chocolate, coffee, limoncello, watermelon, pear, whisky….they could be personalised by the initial letters of the married couple.
Time ago they were distributed in a small bags along with bonbonniere in odd numbers: 5 for health, fertility, longevity, happiness and wealth; 3 for the couple and the first baby; 1 for the unique of the event.
In our days there is an alternative to the confetti table, which consists of the presentation of different form and measures containers: stands up in glass, tin cans, ampoules and baskets filled up with delicious confetties and all those are put on the old carts, wooden scales, crystal tables in accordance with the wedding style.
And why not to be back in the childhood by adding a Candy Bar or the American confettata : a funny and greedy selection of marshmallow, gummy candies, chocolates, sugar fied….